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Create A Free Local Pickup Option

This guide is for those using the Legacy version of Intuitive Shipping. If you’re using the New version of the app, go here.

Not sure which version you’re using? Find out here.

A great way to encourage local business is to give your customers the option to pick up their order in-store or curbside for free. Use this guide to add a local Click & Collect option in your Shopify store.

You will need at least two (2) Shipping Scenarios to complete this setup – one for your Free Local Pickup option and at least one Scenario as a paid shipping option.

This guide teaches you how to quickly add a Local Pickup Scenario to your existing setup. To learn how to create a more complex setup that includes Free or Tiered Local Delivery options as well as a Pickup option, click here.

Add A Free Local Pickup Scenario

1) Click Shipping on the main menu, then select Scenarios from the drop-down list.

2) Add a Shipping Scenario.

3) Set Visibility to On.

When Visibility is set to Off, Shipping Methods from this Scenario will only be visible when you use the customer name ‘Intuitive Shipping’ at checkout. Learn more about Visibility settings here.

4) Enter the Shipping Scenario Title – e.g ‘Local Pickup‘.

The Shipping Scenario Title is not visible to customers, but it helps keep you organized within the Intuitive Shipping app.

Set The Local Pickup Condition

1)  Leave the settings under Condition MatchProduct Filtering, and Advanced Options on their Default settings.

2) Click the Add Another Condition button.

You can limit the Local Pickup option to local customers using a Condition based on either Distance, Postal/Zip Code or City.

Option 1: By Distance

To use Distance Conditions, you will need to add Google API credentials to your app Settings. Learn how to get Google API credentials and add them to Intuitive Shipping here.

1) Click the Condition field. Then select Distance from the Entire Cart Conditions section.

2) Set the Condition logic to Less than or equals.

3) Enter the Value as the amount of distance – e.g enter ’10’ if the distance limit is 10 kilometers.

Kilometers is the default distance unit in Shopify and cannot be changed.

Option 2: By Postal Code/ Zip Code

1) Click the Condition field. Then select Postal Code/ Zip Code from the Customer Conditions section.

2) Set the Condition logic to Equals.

3) Enter the Value as the Postal Code or Zip Code range that covers your local pickup area- e.g. 90401:90411

4) Select the Postal Code format.

When selecting UK postal code format, you must input the full postcode without spaces in Step 3 – e.g. AB10AA:AB99ZZ. Learn more about formatting postal codes in Intuitive Shipping here.

Option 3: By City

1) Click the Condition field. Then select City from the Customer Conditions section.

2) Set the Condition logic to Equals.

3) Enter the Value as the City name (or names, separated by comma).

City name Conditions are not case sensitive but they are based on Google Maps formatting.

That means typos and alternative spellings entered by the customer on the checkout page could cause the Condition to fail. For example, if the Condition value is ‘St. Paul’ per Google’s formatting and the customer enters ‘Saint Paul’, the Condition will not pass.

Add A Local Pickup Shipping Method

1) In the Shipping Methods section, click Add Shipping Method beside a Shipping Zone that includes your local pickup area.

Shipping Zones are created in your Shopify Settings and synced with Intuitive Shipping. To learn how to adjust your Shipping Zones, click here.

2) Enter a Title for your Shipping Method – e.g. ‘Curbside Pickup’.

Shipping Method Titles are visible to your customers.

3) If desired, complete the optional Display Settings – Service Code, Delivery Time and Description.

If you have limits on your local pickup – e.g. time of day, days of the week, etc. – we recommend including a Description that provides additional information to your customers.

Set The Shipping Calculation Method

1) In the Calculate Shipping Based On section, you can leave ‘Select The Shipping Calculation Method’ on Cart quantity. This is the default setting.

Since your Shipping Cost will be set to $0.00 (free), this setting can be any Cart Value setting.

Enter A Free Shipping Cost

1) In the Shipping Costs section, click the Add Another Shipping Cost button.

2) Enter the Up To limit as the ~ tilde symbol.

In the Intuitive Shipping app, the ~ tilde symbol means ‘Infinite’ (no limit).

3) Enter the Shipping Cost as 0 (zero).

Shipping Costs are based on your default currency which is set in your Shopify settings. If you change your default currency in Shopify, be sure to re-sync your settings with Intuitive Shipping.

4) Leave the Per Unit (Optional) setting blank.

5) Additional Settings are not required for Free Local Pickup.

Save Your Local Pickup Shipping Method

Click the Save button to save your Shipping Method!

Save Your Settings

When you return to the Edit Shipping Scenario screen, click the Save button!

Customers whose addresses qualify for free local pickup – i.e. they live within the Distance, Postal/Zip Code Range or City in this Scenario – will be shown the Local Pickup/ Curbside Shipping Method option at checkout, along with any applicable paid Shipping Methods activated by other Scenarios.

Great Job!
You just created a Free Local Pickup Option!

What’s Next: Test Your Setup or check out more Common Setups

Updated on December 20, 2021
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