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Data Sub-Processors

Intuitive Shipping uses the following sub-processors to perform various tasks that may involve customer data.

Sub-ProcessorService ProvidedLocation
Amazon AWSWeb hostingUSA
Inmotion HostingWeb hostingUSA
FreshdeskMerchant supportUSA
Google MapsMappingUSA
SlackInternal communicationUSA
AtlassianInternal communicationUSA
Microsoft 365EmailUSA
Post Affiliate ProPartner portalUSA

Additional Sub-Processors

These are sub-processors that process customer data when the integrations are enabled.

Sub-ProcessorService ProvidedLocation
Canada PostCarrier rates and servicesCanada
CanparCarrier rates and servicesCanada
PurolatorCarrier rates and servicesCanada
USPSCarrier rates and servicesUSA
UPSCarrier rates and servicesUSA
FedExCarrier rates and servicesUSA
DHLCarrier rates and servicesGermany
DHL eCommerceCarrier rates and servicesGermany
Australia PostCarrier rates and servicesAustralia
ShipStationCarrier rates and servicesUSA
ZapietThird-party integrationUK
EasyShipCarrier rates and servicesUSA
PrintfulCarrier rates and servicesUSA
eShipperCarrier rates and servicesCanada
Updated on May 4, 2022

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